Cleopatra became the last queen of the Prolemaeus dynasty of Macedonia. And in fact, her full name is Cleopatra VII, that is, she was the seventh woman with that name in the family of Egyptian pharaohs. The myths that envelop the personality of the queen are retold in history lessons. A controversial and amazing woman who drove all the world’s rulers crazy tested the patience of her subjects and was distinguished by an unprecedented IQ.
No one will be able to find out how the great ruler lived, but it is never too late to study the facts of her life, including the most unimaginable ones. You will have no questions about why her name remains a household name, and society continues to consider Cleopatra the standard of intelligence, beauty and outrageousness.
She wasn’t pretty, but men were crazy about her

From the surviving records of Plutarch, it is known that the queen was not an outstanding beauty. In cinema, her image is used as a symbol of refined sexuality, but it was not her appearance that impressed men, but her inner world. After studying the ancient bas-reliefs, scientists concluded that the main woman of Egypt had a large nose and sharp features. Even now you can see a lot of slots on Woo Casino Australia that are focused on the Egyptian theme.
She was smarter than her contemporaries
Cleopatra’s knowledge in all fields of science, from literature to politics, captivated people who enter into dialogue with her. She was graceful, musical and moved well in the dance. Cleopatra was a polyglot and spoke at least 7 languages, so there were no translators at her court.
Cleopatra acted provocatively
Cleopatra easily spent money on her whims. Once she had to spend the equivalent of the current $20 million for the sake of one cocktail. She asked for a bowl of vinegar and a huge pearl. She threw it into the liquid, dissolved it and drank it.
Cleopatra became the last ruler in her dynasty

The commander Octavian planned to capture Egypt and take the queen into slavery. Cleopatra proclaimed that she would “never be defeated”. After Octavian’s troops entered the palace, the queen arranged a sumptuous feast for the victors. During the gatherings, she went to her chambers and committed suicide: according to one version, she pricked a snake so that it would bite her.
The famous arrows of Cleopatra are needed not for beauty, but for health
The Egyptian beauty applied an eyeliner made of antimony. The substances that it contains are excellent at helping to fight eye infections: such was not uncommon at that time among the general population.
Cleopatra preferred rose water
She rubbed her face and added baths to keep her skin soft. Rose water is still used in cosmetology and is added as an ingredient in cleansing and toning care products. Moreover, it is really possible to make it yourself at home: you need to add rose petals to boiling water, and as soon as they lose colour, turn it off and cool.